Ck2 add trait command
Ck2 add trait command

ck2 add trait command

1.2.1 Create an account or sign in to download this. Besides console cheats there are others as well: Free Troops (the old god) = event 62320 Free troops + Hero (the old god) = event 62321 decadence -25 = Make Your Decadence to 0% event 8500 - create event chain which allow you to estabilish (or not) knights_h ospitaler event 8600 - same as previous, but for templars event 8700 - same, but for tetuonics Trainers (Links to CK2) has a lot of trainers and cheat … A duel is an engagement in personal combat between two characters. Find a list of all culture IDs at: Your desired decadence level - a number between 0 and 100. Find a list of all nickname IDs at: Optional - the ID of the character you wish to give the nickname to. Personal combat skills help on the battlefield but are primarily for winning duels. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Usually council positions are calculated periodically, so this command is useful for making things update sooner. If no amount is specified, 5,000 prestige will be added. Contents Common cheatsEdit This is a collection of all common non-event cheats. What is this trait? You cannot undo the effect of this command. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings, This command will make your current character die of a natural death, making you play as a new character. How to find character IDs: The amount of stewardship to add. This command enables observer mode, in which you do not play a character at all, and the AI will control the game. This is a test command, use the event command to run events. The ID of the decision you wish to execute, e.g. This command kills the ruler of the specified offmap power.

ck2 add trait command

The IMMORTAL! This command changes a character's age by the specified amount - i.e.

Ck2 add trait command